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My Current FAV Makeup Products!!

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another mile here on The Lifestyle Mile blog page! Today I will be sharing all of my favorite makeup products with you guys! Stick around if you want to see high-quality, simple, and inexpensive makeup products that I love!! Also, be sure to leave a like and share it down below if you enjoy this blog post! Your support really helps me grow my blog page! Thank you, I truly appreciate it! Without further ado, let's get right into it!

Ps. Click the images below to be directed to an online retailer! If you have any questions about these products, please feel free to leave a comment or email me at !!

If you are reading this, comment a lipstick emoji on my most recent Instagram post (@thelifestylemile)!!


(EDITED: below products are currently not available!)


That will be all for today's upload! I hope you enjoyed and got inspired! Have a wonderful rest of your day, don't forget to cherish every moment, be kind, and stay positive! You got this!

I am SO proud of how far you've come!

Be kind to your mind!

xoxo, Anni

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