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My dog's winter favorites...

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Hey everyone!! Welcome back to another mile here on The Lifestyle Mile blog page! Over on my Instagram, I asked you guys if you were interested in seeing my dog's winter favorites! Everyone had such a positive response so I decided to proceed with this idea and create a list of things my dog absolutely loves and uses daily! In this blog post, you will see personal recommendations of toys, treats, products, coats, and more! Ps. if you try any of these out, be sure to tag me in a picture on Instagram so I can repost or email me because I would love to see them!

DISCLAIMER: These are recommendations from me only, and I suggest looking further into these products if you are interested. Something that works for my dog, may not have the same result with your dog! With that being said, enjoy!!


(Scroll further down past the pictures to see his favorites!)

Back in November 2020, my family and I decided to rescue a retired racing Greyhound! After spending weeks looking, we met Scout! Meet Scout, a retired racer from Palm Beach, Florida. He is a 2 year old Greyhound and the biggest lover of all squeaky and plush toys. He came off the tracks in August 2020 with no experience living a normal life in a home, so he had a lot to learn! We are so thankful he came into our life! He is full of happiness and love! He is energetic, adorable, loving, loyal, happy, obedient, and the best friend you will ever have! Below I will attach pictures so you can get to know him a bit more!



Scout's Favorites:

- Lamb plush toy

- Training treats

- Training treats

- Dry crunchy training treats

- Cookie treats

- Dental chews

- Kong treat holder

- Kong tire

- Memory foam bed

- Memory foam crate bed

- Squeak toy

- Pig toy

- Winter coat

- Brush

- Car Crate

- 25-foot park walking leash


That will be all for these product recommendations for your pup!! I hope you enjoyed it! If you liked this blog post, be sure to leave a like down below so I know you enjoyed it! If you purchase and try any of these products out, be sure to leave a comment and email me! Or you can tag me in your picture over on Instagram and I will repost! Don't forget to cherish every moment, be kind, and stay positive! Have a wonderful rest of your day! You got this! Ps. If you are reading this, head over to my Instagram (@thelifestylemile) and leave a dog emoji on my most recent post!

I am SO proud of how far you've come!

Be kind to your mind!

xoxo, Anni

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